Our photos have arrived, and They Are Awesome

I'm beyond thrilled to share the results of our photo shoot, taken by Cole Simon. A few of our cast members, Kevin Webb, Gwen Tulin and Caitlin Jackson, got decked out in the finery our costume designer Beth Laske-Miller put together, with a guest cameo by yours truly as a certain claw. Check these out- I'm so, so happy with them and they really capture both the mood and how cool the show will be!

Shockheaded Photo- Claw.jpg
Shockheaded Photo- Duo.jpg
Shockheaded Photo- SeeNoEvil.jpg
Shockheaded Photo- Boop.jpg

Photo Shoot! Photo Shoot!

This coming weekend we have one of my favorite parts of any production process- our photographer, Cole Simon, will be getting together some of our cast members to do a photo shoot. Cole (of Cole Simon Photo) will be collaborating with our awesome costume and props designers to put together some awesome images to whet everyone's appetite for the production. We've been collecting claws, scissors, accordions, facepaint, and other assorted goodies for the shoot, and I'm tremendously excited; Cole does excellent work, as you can see from some of his production photos below (from Coraline and Goblin Market). I'll post the new photos here once they're ready.

-Ed R